First phase 0f 7 units for planned 21 unit project on brownfield site on local tidal river to include a small marina. The project was managed from and through remediation and schematic design and design development to construction documents. Approvals were navigated to site plan approval and building permits through all numerous intricate and sometimes overlapping federal, state and local regulations. It was a very complicated process dealing with remediation sign offs interlocked with both local inland wetlands as well as federal coastal and marine regulations administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Bidders were carefully prequalified to be both professional and capable for executing the project to meet an ambitious schedule. The task of document preparation for bidding was exceptionally exacting, thorough and tedious to mitigate contractor risk to obtain the best pricing for the owner. Comments from the three bidders reflected the work that went into the bid package for a project budgeted at $14 million that came in with lower bids.

“I have been in the construction industry for 28 years ….All too often we are provided with bid documents which are incomplete, not fully documents lead to delays and surprise costs at best and it worst create a project fraught with friction that could have been avoided by careful planning in the pre-bid stages…. Working with Chandler I have come to appreciate first-band their commitment to avoiding the scenario I just described… they are extremely through in their approach so that nothing is left to fall through the cracks… I would highly recommend then to any owner contemplating a new construction project.”

“….. In our experience, we have found Steve Hall and his team at Chandler to be a competent, thorough and fair owners’ representative. Our most recent experience with Chandler was as one of the bidders on Greenwich Landing, a technically complex waterfront project. The bid process and documentation for Greenwich Landing was extremely through and organized….In closing, I will say that from the perspective of the general contractor, it was always a pleasure to work with Chandler, LLC; their team approach minimizes disruptions, keeps lines of communication working and adds tremendous value for their clients. It would be a pleasure to work with them again.”

“ … My firm has been working with Steve and his organization for the better part of 3 months. At all times Steve has shown the utmost professionalism in his dealings with my firm. Subcontractors and clients alike.”

Project Type -   Commercial
Location -   Greenwich, CT