
“Oops! We’ve been Drilling in the Wrong Place!”

The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) oil disaster prompted research leading to a paper, “Oops! We’ve been drilling in the Wrong Place” The paper compares the energy value of all the oil produced annually from the U.S. GOM with what can be achieved with a national program of building retrofits of just homes and commercial buildings. The results are informative. The potential of the reserve of energy from annual savings in building energy conservation equals 3 times the annual energy from the GOM. The paper suggests a program that would create 5 million jobs per year for the next 10 years. It would create $2.3 trillion in the design and construction economy (primarily to small businesses). In the first year it would erase construction unemployment, and reduce national unemployment by 30%. In aggregate the program would add $7.8 trillion to our GNP jumpstarted with deficit neutral mechanisms and financial guarantees. 

View the complete article

About ED+C

The premier source for integrated high-performance building, is dedicated to efficient and sustainable design and construction. Through leadership, as well as quality content in print, online and educational events, ED+C continues to be the foremost magazine in the green building industry. Since 1997, ED+C has supported, and will continue to support, the progressive architect, designer, specifying engineer and building developer to enhance the sustainability of new and existing buildings. ED+C is committed to maintaining high-quality, award-winning editorial supported by a LEED-accredited associate publisher, quality research and industry relationships. 

Energy Education For Building Retrofits

Our firm, Chandler, is just completing management of a major building retrofit of The Princeton Club of New York. It is projected to save 50% in energy usage, to reduce the carbon footprint and is targeted to get a LEED Gold certification. With the escalation in energy costs, in 2012 the club will spend 1/3 of what it would have otherwise have spent with its former system. This project was used as an example for a graduate class in Green real estate development for the newly created New York University Schack Institute of Real Estate, Center for the Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) for what can be achieved by the retrofit of existing buildings. Mr. Hall guest lectures courses with presentations and tours.


Making Green Living a Priority

Steve Hall, founder of Chandler, discusses values, approach, process and the benefits of “Green” 
design and building in advance of his talk for Audubon of Greenwich, CT.

Click here for complete article (PDF)


Its Easy Being Green

In the premiere issue of The Modern Estate in September 2006 , Mr. Hall was asked to take away the mystery about how to design and build with sensitivity to the environment. He describes how to benefit both personally within your own home environment and at the same time to benefit your local community and the wider world.

Click here for complete article (PDF)


Eye On Business: Chandler LLC

How the many hats and facets of professional owner representation provide tangible value for an owner in executing projects.

Click here for complete article (PDF)


Project earns cover of national professional magazine

Forty-six acres of lush New England woodland provided a group of companies the opportunity to surmount relentless challenges as a team. The companies joined to build a timber bridge on a wooded estate in Litchfield, Conn. They worked as a team to succeed despite and environmentally sensitive stream, the onslaught of New England winter and steep slopes. Their success resulted in a bridge that officials from all of the companies and the owner call, simply "beautiful".

Click here for complete article (PDF)


The Commonsense Guide to Uplifting People and Profits

“ Steve Hall, founded and leads Chandler LLC, a Connecticut firm that provides planning and management services for building projects. Steve, essence, functions as the “CEO” of this temporary team assembled to plan and execute the project. Unity of purpose is the driver for success, so when project participants share a Unit Mindset of purpose and values, the likelihood of a “win/win” result is greatly increased. 

By extending his Unity Mindset toward higher value and purpose, Steve has become a champion of green building design. He promotes green building both because its good for the environment and because it makes good financial sense for the owner.” 

Darwin Gillett, author Noble Enterprise The Common Sense Guide to Uplifting People and Profits ISBN: 9781605201184 August 15, 2008


Steve Hall: Building Projects, Unity, and a Better World

Steven Chandler Hall believes in the possibility of a better world, and believes that we can build it, step by step, together. He's trying to do his part to translate these principles of hope, sustainability and unity into practice in the world of construction. Steve is the founder of Chandler, LLC, a firm located in the northeastern United States that provides owners with planning and management services for the development of their building projects. This means he helps owners navigate the often complex relationships with architects, other design and engineering professionals and contractors, in order to ensure a smooth-running and financially-efficient project.


UN Conference

Where were the Architecture and Planning, professions?


The United Nations Association of the United States of America’s (UNA-USA) workshop,
Sustainable Cities: An American Dream or Future Reality?

The workshop focused on how American citizens, in cooperation with government, on the local state and federal level, the public sector, and community-based organizations can bring about change in our cities, without forgetting that any urban policies or programs affect individuals where they live. 

Talk by Steven C. Hall


Surety Bonding - Cornerstones for Risks

In this article, the author Steven Hall, the international managing director for a large US surety consulting firm, points out the advantages of surety bonding.

Click here for complete article (PDF)